This tutorial describes how to add the monitoring stack to a software release using html5as-base as an example.
Here is the commit introducing this functionality to html5as Software release: commit diff.
The monitor stack is used in all productions instance. It is an essential component to monitor the internal of a service with the necessary granularity.
In the monitor app that uses the monitor webservices to aggregate data, you can see the history of failing services.
The Monitor stack needs to be extended in software.cfg
Additionally the instance template for monitor needs to be provided to html5as instance. So it needs to be passed to the local instance template
extends =
# Extend monitoring stack to provide necessary tools for monitoring
context =
key template_monitor monitor2-template:output
, add the monitor instance template to [profile-common]
template_monitor = {{ template_monitor }}
extend the monitor instance template to include monitor sections.
# Instance profile extends monitoring stack
extends = {{ parameter_list['template_monitor'] }}
Refer How To Move to md5sum automatic update to update md5sum
$ cd ~/srv/project/slapos/software/html5as-base $ ../../update-hash
Since the software.cfg
has been modified, it requires to be re-compiled by
$ slapos node software --all
Once it finished, locate the {software-hash} file at runner/software/{software-hash}/
As template_monitor
has been defined, you can find template-monitor.cfg
is now present at runner/software/{software-hash}/template-monitor.cfg.
For more information, please contact Jean-Paul, CEO of Rapid.Space (+33 629 02 44 25).