Use A CDN For Nextcloud

How to Use a Rapid.Space CDN For Nextcloud

After we installed Nextcloud on Rapidspace/Xunkongjian VM, we wish that anyone can access this service through the browser. So we need to request a domain, like the domain purchased from Godaddy. We are not going to describe the details of using a domain here. This article going to focus on how to add a Rapid.Space CDN (Frontend) with default domain( or to our Nextcloud service. 


  1. Get Rapid.Space Free CDN
  2. Enter Basic Parameters
  3. Validate
  4. Access hosting Subscription
  5. Wait for connection parameters
  6. Use Connection Parameters
  7. Access Nextcloud
  8. Configure trusted domains
  9. Access Nextcloud With Trusted Domain

The VM we requested from Rapid.Space only have IPv6. Users cannot access it through IPv4. In order to allow this, we need to use Rapid.Space CDN. 

Get Rapid.Space Free CDN

๐Ÿ”—Panel Rapid.Space

There are two options here: "Get Free CDN!" or "Get Free Chinese CDN!". it depends if you need to use frontend outside China or inside China. Both frontend can be used for a service running on a host located inside or outside China. The only thing that matters is if you need your website to be easily accessible from outside China or from inside China. Please note that currently the "Get Free Chinese CDN!" is unavailable yet. so here we take "Get Free CDN!" as an example for accessing outside China.

This action will lead to the configuration page of the frontend.

Enter Basic Parameters

Please fill the following fields in the configuration page:

  • "Title": this is the title of your frontend, it is just to name the service inside the panel, which will be displayed in the list of Services. It is recommended that name it like your domain.
  • "Backend URL" : your service's IP address in the form.It can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address. For example, with IPv6: https://[XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX]:YYYY (YYYY is optional port if your service is listening on a special port). WARNING: the protocol (https:// ,https://, etc.) and the brackets are mandatory.
  • "Custom Domain": we will use default domain for this tutorial, which provides valid SSL certificate. We can thus left it to default

All other types can be left blank.


When above configuration is completed, click on the "Proceed" button at the top of the page. The page will go back to the list of services. The frontend service takes few seconds to appear inside the list of your services. Wait a few seconds and click again on the "Services" button in the left menu. Click on the frontend service's title ("Frontend for Nextcloud", for example) to go to the configuration page of the service.

Click on the frontend service's title to go to the configuration page of the service.

Access hosting Subscription

On the screenshot above, the frontend is not ready yet because the "Connection Parameters" are not yet displayed. Please wait 10 or 15 minutes to reload the page and until there are information in the "Connection Parameters", it means the frontend is ready. 

Wait for connection parameters

You can access your frontend by clicking secure_access for example.

Use Connection Parameters

Since you have installed apache webserver, the default index page will be like this. To enter your Nextcloud, you are supposed to add "/nextcloud/index.php" at the end, such as

Access Nextcloud


You will access your nextcloud with a warning: Access through untrusted domain.

Configure trusted domains

According the information of the sign, you can go to your config file to add your domain:

cd /var/www/html/nextcloud/config
nano config.php

Then add your domain in 'trusted_domains' . 

Access Nextcloud With Trusted Domain


Now you are using Rapid.Space CDN to access Nextcloud.

Please note that this free service has certain limitations:

  • Free services are only available for 6 months;
  • Free services can be stopped at any time by Rapid.Space without notification;
  • Free services users may be requested to confirm the services they use every month.

Thank You

  • Rapid.Space
  • 147 Rue du Ballon
  • 59110 La Madeleine
  • France
  • +33629024425
  • contact (@)

For more information, please contact Jean-Paul, CEO of Rapid.Space (+33 629 02 44 25).