Hyper Open Edge Cloud

How To Add A Ticket To Contact Rapid.Space Team

How to use a ticket to contact Rapid.Space team to ask for support
  • Last Update:2024-09-27
  • Version:001
  • Language:en


  • Login to Rapid.Space Panel
  • Add Support Request
  • Add new ticket
  • Fill in ticket content
  • Ticket created
  • Wait for our reply

Follow these steps to create new ticket to contact Rapid.Space team for support.

Login to Rapid.Space Panel

🔗 Rapid Space Panel


You will land on the Services page once you login to Rapid Space Panel. First go to your project by clicking on Project on the left side bar.

Add Support Request


Once you are in your project, click on Add request.

Add new ticket


You will be directed to a new ticket creation dialogue where you can choose the type of ticket as showing in the screenshot, and fill in the subject and message as well. 

Fill in ticket content


Once all fields are filled, click on Proceed to confirm creation.

Ticket created


A message (in green background) will pop up to notify you that this new ticket is created. 

Ticket created


Refresh this page, you will see your initial message in listed under the ticket view. The status of the Ticket is Submitted. You can click Add Event to add more message to this ticket, if anyone from Rapid.Space team replied you, his/her message will be displayed under this ticket view as well. All communication history concerning this ticket between you and Rapid.Space team will be listed here. 

Once the problem is solved, Rapid.Space Team will close this ticket.

Wait for our reply


We will reply to your ticket as soon as possible. Once we reply, you will need to refresh the page to see our reply. To find your ticket again, you can go to your project, then click click Support Requests.
We also advise you to subscribe to the RSS feed to get notified of new replies, as explained in the next section.

RSS Feed

The best way to keep informed of our replies to your tickets is to subscribe to the panel RSS feed, this will enable to get notified for new replies.

To do this, go to https://panel.rapid.space/ and click the "RSS" button on bottom of the left panel, then click "RSS Feed" and copy the URL to your RSS feed reader.

There are different solutions to read RSS feeds, here are some examples:

  • Nextcloud offers a RSS feed reader
  • Some client emails support RSS, such as thunderbird or outlook
  • Some services offer RSS to email services (ex: feedrabbit)