Hyper Open Edge Cloud

How to Adjust TX and RX Gain on ORS

How to Adjust TX and RX Gain on ORS
  • Last Update:2024-09-27
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

It is important to adjust TX and RX gain on field in order to get the best radio quality. Getting the best radio quality will enable you to get better thoughput, range and latency.

Real Time Gain Adjustment

To better tweak the gain, it is important to have a method to adjust gain in real time.
If you have root access, then you can use Amarisoft's interactive CLI or GUI. Please read their documentation.

If you do not have root access, then you can connect to Amarisoft's websocket API by doing the following:

  • First put a password in the "websocket password" parameter of your eNB or gNB service
  • Wait a few minutes until you see the websocket link appear in your connection parameters
  • Then you can connect to the websocket by using any websocket client.
  • You may refer to https://tech-academy.amarisoft.com/lteenb.doc#Remote-API-1 for the websocket API documentation

WARNING: Doing this will prevent the monitoring from working, you should disable the websocket (by removing the password) once you are done with the tests

You can use this repository which provides scripts to adjust TX and RX gain and get signal level values: 


WARNING: The eNB or gNB service will go back to the configured TX and RX gain on the panel once you restart it, websocket gain adjustments are temporary and for testing purposes only

RX Gain

For an indoor test, we recommand starting with 20 if you are indoor, and 45 if you are outdoor.

Run the "t spl" command or the "get-signal-level.py" script with the websocket and monitor the "MAX" values of RX channels, these values should be around -10 when the phone is emitting and should not reach 0. A value of 0 indicates that the signal is saturated.

TX Gain

For TX Gain, please first check this page to find the estimated radio power and EVM based on tx_gain: https://handbook.rapid.space/ors/rapidspace-Faq.ORS.RF.Power.TX.Gain

Choose a tx_gain value with a low enough EVM.