Hyper Open Edge Cloud

How To Do Local Messaging And Video Calls With ORS

The process to do Local Messaging And Video Calls with ORS using deltachat and your browser
  • Last Update:2024-09-26
  • Version:003
  • Language:en


This tutorial will show you how to have local messaging (like a local whatsapp) and local video calls with ORS using deltachat and browser application on your UE

Make sure your services are up to date

You should have version at least 1.0.322. Please ask Rapid.Space to update your service if you do not.


Check you have all necessary services

Check on your panel in the "service" tab that you have these four services:

  • gNB or eNB service: orsXX-enb or orsXX-gnb
  • Core Network service: orsXX-core-network
  • Mail Server service: orsXX-mail-server
  • Conference service orsXX-conference


Make sure Core Network service is configured correctly

Please go your core network service, click on "Update paramters" and check the following: 

  • Local Domain: You can leave to "ors.rapid.space" or use a domain you own.

Make sure Conference service is configured correctly

  • Allow subgroups: true
  • Use password: false
  • DNS SR URL: Make sure this is identical to the URL on the "Software release" field of your core network service

Make sure Mail Server service is configured correctly

  • DNS SR URL: Make sure this is identical to the URL on the "Software release" field of your core network service

Install deltachat on your phone

Go to the play store and install Deltachat on your smartphone (also available on F-Droid)


Make sure IPv6 is configured on your APN

Please refer to How to Test Your ORS


Go to deltachat app


Click Log Into your E-mail account


Click Advanced and set the following parameters


Enter an email and password

  • user@domain: user can be anything you want, domain should match the domain displayed on your "mail-server" service "domain" Connection Parameter
  • password: anything you want (there is no check currently)

Log in


Add new contact


Send message to new contact


Accept contact on other phone


Add new group


Name your group and Add members


Select members of your group


Go to settings


Go to "Advanced" settings


Scroll down and search for "Video chat" settings


Enter the video conference URL

Please enter the following URL: URL/group/public/$ROOM , where URL is the URL displayed on your conference service.
For instance if you leave the default domain you need to enter: https://conference.ors.rapid.space:8443/group/public/$ROOM

Go to your group and send a video chat invitation


Ignore certificate warning

Your browser will warn you about the certificate, please ignore it. On chrome this requires first clicking "Advanced". You will only have to do this once, your browser should remember your choice.

Ignore certificate warning

Click "Proceed to conference.ors.rapid.space (unsafe)"

Click video chat invitation on other phone


Enter your username

The next time your browser should remember your username.

Use PTT feature in video conference

You can talk while holding the green button to use the Push To Talk feature. The other phone will also hear this even if it is on another app or in sleep mode.