Configure your laptop to flash ORS SSDs
This tutorial teaches how to configure your laptop for ORS assembly
Install Re6st
Run the following command:
laptop:~# wget && sudo bash re6st
You can press enter at every question and leave the default value.
Install SlapOS
Run the following command:
laptop:~# wget && sudo bash slapos
You can press enter at every question and leave the default value.
Configure git client
Install git and configure your git client if needed. You will need to input your gitlab username and email:
laptop:~# sudo apt install git
laptop:~# git config --global ""
laptop:~# git config --global "John Doe"
laptop:~# sudo git config --global ""
laptop:~# sudo git config --global "John Doe"
Clone the slapos-device-configuration repository
Go to your work directory and clone the slapos-device-repository:
laptop:~# cd WORKDIR
laptop:~/WORKDIR# git clone
Download SSD Image and put it in the repository directory
Download SSD Image (Rapid.Space operators should give you a link) and put it in the repository directory
laptop:~# mkdir -p WORKDIR/slapos-device-configuration/data
laptop:~# mv ~/Downloads/SSD_IMG WORKDIR/slapos-device-configuration/data/