Hyper Open Edge Cloud

HowTo Create A New RapidSpace Datacenter

How to create a new datacenter in RapidSpace SlapOS master
  • Last Update:2021-08-13
  • Version:002
  • Language:en

When a new location will contain RapidSpace machines, the RapidSpace administrator must follow this guide to prepare the data in SlapOS master:

Determine the datacenter's information

In order to create all the needed data, you will need the following information about the datacenter:

  • Name of the hosting company <DHC>
  • GPS coordinates of the datacenter
  • Location of the datacenter (region, country) <DL>

You will also need the current URL of KVM Software Release <KRV>, looking like:

  • https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/slapos/raw/<version>/software/kvm/software.cfg for normal VPS
  • https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/slapos/raw/<version>/software/kvm/software.cfg?vpsbrute

Create the computer network

Login as "rapid.space" user in https://panel.rapid.space and click on the "Networks" menu then "+ Add". The computer network must have the title "<DHC> (<DL>)". The title is very important because it will be displayed in the order page of RapidSpace. You need also to remember the computer network reference <CNR>.

When the computer network is created, you need to transfer it to the Project "Rapid Space Networks" or "Rapid Space VPSbrute Networks" depending if the network contains regular VPS machines or VPSbrute machines.

Create the site

Login as "rapid.space" user in https://panel.rapid.space and click on the "Sites" menu then "+ Add". The site title should simply be "<DHC>". Fill the GPS coordinates of the datacenter in the site.


Create the Subscription Condition (x2)

Login as superadministrator in https://vifib.erp5.net and create a Subscription Condition in English and another one in Chinese for the datacenter.

The English one should have the following parameters (if a parameter is omited it should be blank or unticked):

  • title: Rapid Space VM in <DHC> datacenter
  • reference: rapidvm-<CNR>
  • short title: Rapid Space VM <DHC>
  • supplier: "Rapid Space" (organisation_module/rapid_space)
  • price: 195
  • currency: EUR
  • Parameter Template Renderer Method Id: SubscriptionCondition_renderKVMClusterParameter
  • Software Release: <KRV>
  • Software Type: kvm-cluster
  • Root SLA XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      <parameter id="project_guid">PROJ-24</parameter>
      <parameter id="network_guid"><CNR></parameter>
  • Root XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <parameter id="_">{
        "frontend": {
          "frontend-additional-instance-guid": "SOFTINST-123499"
        "kvm-partition-dict": {
            "KVM0": {
                "cpu-count": 40,
                "cpu-max-count": 41,
                "ram-size": 245760,
                "ram-max-size": 245761,
                "disk-device-path": "/dev/disk/disk-path-for-vm",
                "project-guid": "PROJ-24",
                "network-guid": "<CNR>",
                "disable-ansible-promise": true

The Chinese one should have the following parameters (if a parameter is omited it should be blank or unticked):

  • title: [ZH] Rapid Space VM in <DHC> datacenter
  • reference: rapidvm-<CNR>_zh
  • short title: Rapid Space VM <DHC>
  • supplier: "Rapid Space" (organisation_module/rapid_space)
  • price: 1888
  • currency: CNY
  • Parameter Template Renderer Method Id: SubscriptionCondition_renderKVMClusterParameter
  • Software Release: <KRV>
  • Software Type: kvm-cluster
  • Root SLA XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      <parameter id="project_guid">PROJ-24</parameter>
      <parameter id="network_guid"><CNR></parameter>
  • Root XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <parameter id="_">{
        "frontend": {
          "frontend-additional-instance-guid": "SOFTINST-123499"
        "kvm-partition-dict": {
            "KVM0": {
                "cpu-count": 40,
                "cpu-max-count": 41,
                "ram-size": 245760,
                "ram-max-size": 245761,
                "disk-device-path": "/dev/disk/disk-path-for-vm",
                "project-guid": "PROJ-24",
                "network-guid": "<CNR>",
                "disable-ansible-promise": true

Validate both Subscription Conditions.