Hyper Open Edge Cloud

How To Power On Global Edge Node (Hygon Server)

How To Power On Global Edge Node (Hygon Server)
  • Last Update:2023-02-22
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

Power on GEN

Please power the device on as shown in the photo by

  • plugging the power cord
  • pluging the RJ45 cable with DHCP internet
  • clicking the botton at the right

SSH to the server

You can ssh to either the local network IPv4 or the public IPv6 provided by Rapid.Space Re6stnet.

The credential is pasted on the device. 


Join the project

Please join the project on Rapid.Space Panel by clicking the one-time invitation link. 

If you want to share the server with your team, you may follow: How To Share Access With Your Team.


Deploy your service

You can enjoy the Global Edge Node by deploying a service on it: 

How To Request A Theia Runner On A Specific Computer

Move to Rapid.Space Handbook for more information.