Hyper Open Edge Cloud

How To Accelerate Your Connection to Freefib Network in China

How to Accelerate Your Connection to Freefib Network in China
  • Last Update:2024-06-26
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

How To Accelerate Your Connection to Freefib Network in China

If you are in China and using the Freefib network, it may take a very long time to bootstrap re6st. Indeed, re6st will try to connect only to other nodes in the network *located in China*.

Since, we have very few and for now, the bootstrap peer selection is done randomly, it may take a very long time to bootstrap your node.

I Make sure your node is correctly advertised as being in China

Normally, re6st will determine automatically the country where you are thanks to your IP address. Since there may be glitches in this automatic location, you can force your location by adding the following line to your /etc/re6stnet/re6stnet.conf file:

country CN


II Add manually a bootstrap peer

Here is a script you can run to force a Chinese peer in your re6st cache:

systemctl stop re6stnet
sqlite3 /var/lib/re6stnet/cache.db 'DELETE FROM peer;'
sqlite3 /var/lib/re6stnet/cache.db "INSERT INTO peer VALUES('00000000000000000000000010001010', ',1194,tcp,CN');"
systemctl start re6stnet