Hyper Open Edge Cloud

How To Set Up SlapOS Client

How to set up SlapOS client.
  • Last Update:2024-12-05
  • Version:001
  • Language:en


  • Request Token
  • Configure Client
  • Verification

When accessing Rapid.Space master, the client is identified through X.509 certificates. This certificates are issued by the Rapid.Space master for a user. In order to automate configuration of these certificates for the client, an easy process has been set. Rapid.Space master provides a token to the user which gives it to the configure client to be used to retrieve the certificates and install them. Once these steps are completed the user can access Rapid.Space master information through command line tool.

Access your rapid.space Account

Click My Account on Rapid.Space Panel and then Profile.

Rapid.Space Access Account view
The token for Client configuration is available is personal and available in the "My Account/Profile" section in Rapid.Space Panel located on the right side of the screen. If you are using a small screen or a mobile device, you will need to open this panel by using the menu button on the top left corner.

Request Token

Click Request Credential Token from the left menu.

Click Token from tool bar
If you are using a mobile device or a small window to display the site, you will need to open the menu before seeing the action.

Request Token

Click Request Credential Token (orange button).

The token is only generated after you validate this form.

Request Token

Copy provided Token

This token is for one time usage only and is only valid 24h.

Configure Client

In your terminal, run the following command

    $ slapos configure client
This command can be run as any user. It is recommended to run it as your standard user. Make sure you have your token ready before running it. When running the command, you will only be asked for this token that will identify you to Rapid.Space Master.

Configure Client

Enter the token and press enter. Your client is configured.


After running successfully, the command will let you know where it has stored the client configuration. By default this configuration contains only the Master URL and the path to the X.509 certificated used to identify you. It can be extended to add alias for supplying and request Software Release and Instances easily.


Running the following command must return the following content:

    $ ls ~/.slapos/
client.crt  client.key  slapos-client.cfg

After being run successfully, the x.509 are stored in the "~/.slapos/" folder. Thanks to them, you will be able to start managing your account from command line and the Slapconsole. With Slapconsole you can request and manage your instances and install Software Releases on network nodes as if they were managed through the SlapOS Master Dashboard.